Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №2 (74)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Current prerequisites for the development of engineering companies in the realities of the neo-industrial society
Authors:Kovalchuk A. M., National Aviation University,
Kopcha Yu. Yu., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. In the course of study the authors used the following methods: statistical analysis – to study the dynamics of the main indicators of engineering enterprises; graphical approach – to present the results of the study of statistical indicators; generalization – to highlight the main trends in the modern development of engineering enterprises. Results. The article studies the basic prerequisites for the development of machine-building enterprises in the realities of a neo-industrial society. The tendencies of the world market of the goods of machine-building enterprises and their display at the domestic enterprises are considered. The dynamics of GDP and the processing industry of Ukraine is investigated. The tendencies of development of machine-building enterprises are revealed through the values of the index of industrial production in the context of machine-building. The comparison of the volumes of the produced and sold products of the machine-building enterprises as conditions of their development in a neo-industrial society is carried out. The structure of the assets of machine-building enterprises as a factor of their optimal activity is investigated. The estimation of the structure of machine building enterprises according to profitability is carried out. The dynamics of capital investments of machine-building enterprises is analyzed, as well as their software costs as a prerequisite for active digital transformation. Novelty. The diagnostics of modern prerequisites for the development of enterprises in the conditions of the formation of neo-industrial society reveals the interdependence of enterprise development and neo-industrial society, which are different sides of the same vector of the domestic economic system in the framework of social development. Practical value. It is proposed to study the main performance indicators of enterprises in the machine-building industry to identify trends and conditions of their development in the neoindustrial society through the inseparability of enterprise development from the environment of their functioning. 
Keywords:Development, Enterprise, Mechanical engineering, Neo-industrial society, Potential, Preconditions, Digitalization, Innovative development, Industry, Adaptation
File of the article:EV20212_188-198.pdf
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