Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №3 (75)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
UDK:005.591.3: 658
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Strategic directions for developing the potential of an enterprise in a circular economy
Author:Igumentsev A. V., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was made up of the following methods: comparison and systematization - to determine the components of the development of the potential of enterprises while coordinating the economic interests of the participants; deduction - to highlight individual parts of the circular economy as a prerequisite for the development of innovative potential; analysis and synthesis - to substantiate a scientific approach to the definition of strategic directions for the development of the potential of enterprises. Results. Modern economic processes determine the need to influence the activities of all business entities, in particular, in the aspects of building strategies and tactics. The problem of planning and forecasting the development of the potential of an enterprise is aimed at enhancing the competitive advantages that a circular economy provides. The article substantiates the need to ensure the systemic nature of the development of the enterprise potential, which will make it possible to activate the processes of adaptation to changes. The promising directions of the modernization renewal of the production and commercial process and, as a consequence, the improvement of the organizational support for the development of potential for the introduction of innovation have been identified. The components of the development of the enterprise's potential in a circular economy have been substantiated, which include: the economic interests of the participants, the effectiveness of activities, measures to improve the components. There has been substantiated the necessity of the formation and implementation of measures to update the elements of the enterprise potential in their organic combination, creating a basis for an effective “vision” of the enterprise's own development and opportunities for an adequate assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of its potential. Novelty. Strategic directions for the development of the enterprise potential in a circular economy are proposed and substantiated. Practical value. The obtained research results allow enterprises to use the advantages of the circular economy, improve their activities in competitive market segments and maintain competitive advantages based on the development of their potential, taking into account the economic interests of the participants. 
Keywords:Strategic directions, Enterprise potential, Development, Circular economy, Restructuring transformations, Strategies, Economic interests, Development needs
File of the article:EV20213_191-198.pdf
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