Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №4 (76)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Issues of managing social, economic and environmental development of regions and risks of spatial depressions
Author:Pashkevich M. S., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The study of the issues of social, economic and environmental development of regions and the risks of appearance of spatial depressions is based on the theoretical and methodological principles of theories of spatial and regional development, innovation, budgeting, territorial convergence and depression. General scientific research methods that were used are the method of analysis and synthesis – in the research of regional alignment policy; the method of general and special – in substantiating the specifics of the territorial structure; the method of classification – when creating a typology of risks of spatial depressions. Results. The article examines a number of methodological issues related to regional convergence, budget regulation, territorial organization, stimulating a favourable investment climate for social, economic and environmental development of regions. The debatable nature of some aspects of modern regional development policy is shown. The risks of spatial depressions are analysed, and it is substantiated that they are divided into natural and technology-based; social, economic and environmental; local, regional, national and global. Attention is paid to building the optimal model of relations between the center and the regions at the present stage of reforming the economy of Ukraine. An agent-process approach to the design of clusters of spatial social, economic and environmental development is proposed. Novelty. Based on the generalization of theoretical provisions, the issues and directions of improving the management of social, economic and environmental development, as well as the risks of spatial depressions are outlined. Practical value. Classification of risks of spatial depressions, accentuation of problems of managing social, economic and environmental development of regions will allow to form more effective policy of regional development and to provide stimulation of regional economy. 
Keywords:Region, Regional economy, Development, Spatial depression, Risk, Management, Social and economic development, Environmental development, Investment climate, Policy
File of the article:EV20214_032-040.pdf
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