Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №2 (78)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Formation of the competitive position of a small manufacturing enterprise on the basis of business modeling
Authors:Dobryniuk O. I., Dnipro University of Technology,
Litvinov Yu. I., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained through the use of the following methods: scientific generalization – to determine the essence and problems of development in the field of small business in Ukraine; analysis, systematization and synthesis – in researching the factors of increasing the efficiency of small production enterprises; structural analysis – when determining strategic flexibility in matters of adaptation to changes in the conditions of commodity markets. Results. The general state and trends of the results of small business activity in a specific type of economic activity, namely in the production and trade of a certain category of goods, are determined. The possibilities of developing the competitive position of a small manufacturing enterprise on the basis of business modeling are analyzed, which will allow implementing a systems approach to enterprise management and avoiding the «traps» of a functional approach (marketing; HR; intellectual property; financing; technologies, etc.). Internal opportunities for the formation of a suitable culture are identified, the culture being focused on strategic flexibility in the matter of adaptation to the changing conditions of commodity markets, first of all, updating the priority segments of consumers – the target audience of the enterprise. There is determined the possibility of rapid acquisition of competitive advantages by a small production enterprise through the use of the potential of other market entities. Novelty. The methodical approach to the formation of the competitive position of the subject of a small manufacturing enterprise through the development of its business model in the direction of retail trade with the application of a wide range of solutions in the field of information and communication technologies has gained further development. Thus, the basis for obtaining new scientific results in the field of activity of small manufacturing enterprises is determined by updating the «consumer segments» element and the value of the offer in the direction of retail trade, which is ensured by corresponding changes in other distribution elements of the business model of a small manufacturing enterprise. Practical value. There are substantiated the potential levers for gaining competitiveness by a small manufacturing enterprise through the establishment of interaction with the retail consumer as a target audience and acquisition of the enterprise potential in the field of distribution. 
Keywords:Competitive position, Small manufacturing enterprise, Adaptation, Retail trade, Business modeling, Rubber tires, Consumer segments, Value proposition
File of the article:EV20222_111-122.pdf
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