Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №3 (79)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Formation of the mechanism of management of enterprises based on foresight-innovative technologies
Author:Chobitok I. A., Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy
Annotation:Methods. The generalization and systems analysis made it possible to prove that the issue of ensuring effective management and forming the competitiveness of production enterprises is important regardless of the conditions of economic activity. System-functional analysis was used to identify the components of the system of foresight-innovative technologies. The application of the grouping method allowed determining the types of foresight and its levels. Results. The relevance of the tasks of overcoming the technological gap and the transition to the knowledge economy is highlighted. It has been demonstrated that foresight-innovative technologies provide that the possibilities of strategically competitive development of the enterprise structure are realized through the existing capacity for innovation and readiness for changes by developing a set of scenario options and choosing the most optimal one in view of the level of resource availability and accepted risk. It has been established that the use of foresight-innovative technologies in practice is carried out in the form of an innovative foresight project and is aimed at achieving and maintaining the sustainable development of the competitive structure of the enterprise in the long term. The goal of foresight-innovative technologies is to identify opportunities for the most complete use of the company’s potential, as well as ways to ensure the effective implementation of the set goals with the help of the chosen strategy. Novelty. A mechanism of enterprise management based on foresight-innovative technologies has been developed, which makes it possible to adapt the proposed methodology to the needs of a specific study. Inexpensive and highly informative methods, such as workshops, literature reviews and cross-impact analysis, have been proven to be appropriate for any foresight project. If there is sufficient time and financial resources for a deeper analysis, it is advisable to use resourceintensive and highly specialized methods. Practical value. It was determined that the main difference between the proposed methodology and the existing one is the flexibility of the latter, which includes a system of parameters for assessing the value and effectiveness of foresight-innovative technologies. As parameters for estimating the cost, it is necessary to use such indicators as the number of involved experts, the complexity of preparing the tools, the complexity of searching and processing the main significant data. 
Keywords:Mechanism, Foresight, Foresight-innovative technologies, Enterprises, Roadmap, management, efficiency
File of the article:EV20223_190-197.pdf
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