Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №3 (83)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Influence of human development on the formation of intellectual potential of society
Author:Shepelenko S. M., Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained through the use of such general scientific methods of research as: abstraction and the structural-functional method – when distinguishing the components of the categorical content of the concept of «human development», as well as the formation of a scientific-theoretical approach to determine the impact of human development on the formation of the intellectual potential of society. The comparative analysis is used to determine the position of some countries in the ranking according to the Human Development Index. Results. It is determined that the conceptual position of the theory of human potential is the postulate that the general goal, main priority and active subject of all processes of the development of modern society is a person. The development of human potential is understood as a process of continuous, sustainable expansion of human capabilities, adaptation to changes in the endogenous and exogenous environment. At the same time, at each stage of human development, three main opportunities are considered as fundamental: to have free access to resources that provide a decent standard of living; to live a long, healthy and active life; to acquire desirable, professionally necessary knowledge continuously throughout life. These standards form the basis of the theory of human development and create criteria for social progress of the intellectual potential of society. Novelty. The scientific-theoretical approach to determining the influence of human development on the formation of the intellectual potential of society is proposed. The concept of corporate social responsibility is outlined, which has great potential for involving business and society in solving the strategic priorities of forming the intellectual potential of society. It can be considered a social innovation aimed at modernizing the change of the system of social motivation aimed at creating an advanced and efficient society. Practical value. According to the analysis conducted, Ukraine belongs to the category of countries with a high level of the Human Capital Index, that is, there is every opportunity to make a «breakthrough» in the socio-economic development of the country with the effective use of intellectual potential. 
Keywords:Human Development, Intellectual potential of society, Socio-economic processes, Human capital, Corporate social responsibility
File of the article:EV20233_049-056.pdf
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