Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2016 №3 (55)
Section:Environmental management
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Comparative analysis of the development of green tourism in ukraine and abroad
Authors:Pylypenko H. M.,
Prushkivska E. V.,
Kusakova Yu. A.
Annotation:The article gives a comparative analysis of the green tourism development in Ukraine, the United States, Western and Eastern Europe, Australia, and Africa. Some differences a nd specific features of the green tourism development in different regions of the world are pointed out, and the backlog of national indicators of the world is revealed. The green tourism definition is improved, which, unlike others, is based on the theory of a green eco nomy theory. The differences between sustainable and green t ourism are presented, as well as the scheme of connections between their subtypes (ecotourism, rural and adventure tourism). It is proposed to conduct comparative analysis in the future on the basis of a sustainable international tourism development indicator system in the following key areas: state control in the field, the economic component of social and cultural influence and the impact of tourism on the environment. 
Keywords:Green tourism, Sustainable tourism, Eco-tourism, Rural tourism, Green economy
File of the article:EV20163_145-153.pdf
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