Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №4 (88)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Economic aspects of problems of system approach in innovative economy
Authors:Andriienko M. M., National Aviation University,
Samitov R. O., National Aviation University,
Tereshchenko D. M., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The research was carried out based on the use of the system analysis method – when clarifying the stages of implementing a system approach in the study of innovative economics; the method of scientific abstraction – when identifying the problems encountered when studying innovative economics from the point of view of a system approach; historical methods – when studying views and theories that are important for the study of innovative economics. Results. The article explores the theoretical and methodological foundations of the use of elements of the system approach in innovation economics, the essence of which is to identify the main problems and challenges that arise during the practical application of the system approach in the field of studying innovation economics. The advantages and disadvantages of traditional methods of economic analysis are highlighted both when applying them in complex innovation processes and when studying ways to overcome barriers when making innovative decisions. Novelty. Based on the system approach, which can be used as a tool for studying the elements of the innovation economy, it was established that existing relationships and interdependencies influence the results of innovation activity, which are based on optimal relationships for achieving the set goals. The main problems of the innovation economy from the point of view of the system approach are identified. It is proven that ensuring effective coordination with the use of effective methods will ensure the implementation of a common goal, which takes into account not only economic, but also social, political and environmental effects. It is demonstrated that a systemic approach in studying the innovation economy is a necessary and sufficient condition for integrating modern socio-economic systems into more effective and efficient ones to ensure their further development from the point of view of sustainable and inclusive nature, which in turn will have a positive impact on the quality of life of the population and the preservation of the natural environment. Practical value. The article analyzes the shortcomings of traditional methods of analyzing economic phenomena, justifies the need for a system approach in the context of innovative development and the complexity of economic processes, and also proposes effective innovative approaches and tools for overcoming existing barriers in managing the development of socioeconomic systems.Methods. The research was carried out based on the use of the system analysis method – when clarifying the stages of implementing a system approach in the study of innovative economics; the method of scientific abstraction – when identifying the problems encountered when studying innovative economics from the point of view of a system approach; historical methods – when studying views and theories that are important for the study of innovative economics. Results. The article explores the theoretical and methodological foundations of the use of elements of the system approach in innovation economics, the essence of which is to identify the main problems and challenges that arise during the practical application of the system approach in the field of studying innovation economics. The advantages and disadvantages of traditional methods of economic analysis are highlighted both when applying them in complex innovation processes and when studying ways to overcome barriers when making innovative decisions. Novelty. Based on the system approach, which can be used as a tool for studying the elements of the innovation economy, it was established that existing relationships and interdependencies influence the results of innovation activity, which are based on optimal relationships for achieving the set goals. The main problems of the innovation economy from the point of view of the system approach are identified. It is proven that ensuring effective coordination with the use of effective methods will ensure the implementation of a common goal, which takes into account not only economic, but also social, political and environmental effects. It is demonstrated that a systemic approach in studying the innovation economy is a necessary and sufficient condition for integrating modern socio-economic systems into more effective and efficient ones to ensure their further development from the point of view of sustainable and inclusive nature, which in turn will have a positive impact on the quality of life of the population and the preservation of the natural environment. Practical value. The article analyzes the shortcomings of traditional methods of analyzing economic phenomena, justifies the need for a system approach in the context of innovative development and the complexity of economic processes, and also proposes effective innovative approaches and tools for overcoming existing barriers in managing the development of socioeconomic systems. 
Keywords:Systems approach, Economic systems, Methodology, Management, Modeling, Globalization, Economic challenges
File of the article:EV20244_041-047.pdf
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