Issue: | 2015 №4 (52) |
Section: | Management |
UDK: | 658.8.011:519.24 |
Article language: | Ukrainian |
Pages: | 153-160 |
Title: | Creation of an effective approach to the formation and development of brand equity on the basis of the «brand’s GAP» method |
Author: | Yatsentiuk S. V. |
Annotation: | Based on research of nature, elements and mechanisms of formation and development of the brand equity and essence of the origin of the effect of the «Brand’s GAP» method, the structurallogical model of formation and development of the brand is suggested. Based on this model, a standardized form of ordering of practical implementation process is recommended. To eliminate «Brand’s GAP» the planning practical implementation of the Brand’s marketing-mix with the application of further operational actions is offered. |
Keywords: | Brand, Brand equity, «Brand’s GAP» method, Brand’s marketing mix, Brand positioning |
File of the article: | EV20154_153-160.pdf |
Abstract: | EV20154_153-160en.pdf |
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